    Preparing search index...

    Type Alias FraciOptionsBase

        | { digitBase: string; lengthBase: string; type?: "string" }
        | { type: "binary" }

    Base options for fractional indexing. This is used to define the character sets and types for the fractional index.

    Type declaration

    • { digitBase: string; lengthBase: string; type?: "string" }
      • ReadonlydigitBase: string

        The character set used for representing digits in the fractional index.

      • ReadonlylengthBase: string

        The character set used for encoding the length of the integer part.

      • Optional Readonlytype?: "string"

        The type of the fractional index. Must be "string" or undefined for string fractional indices.

    • { type: "binary" }
      • Readonlytype: "binary"

        The type of the fractional index. Must be "binary" for binary fractional indices.