    Preparing search index...

    Function defineDrizzleFraci

    • Creates a configuration object for fractional indexing with Drizzle ORM. This function defines how fractional indices are integrated into a Drizzle schema, specifying the table, column, grouping context, and cursor information.

      Type Parameters

      • F extends AnyFraci

        The fractional indexing utility type

      • T extends Table<TableConfig<Column<any, object, object>>>

        The Drizzle table type

      • FraciColumn extends DrizzleFraciColumn<FractionalIndexOf<F>>

        The column type that stores fractional indices

      • Group extends Record<string, Column<ColumnBaseConfig<ColumnDataType, string>, object, object>>

        The record type for grouping columns

      • Cursor extends Record<string, Column<ColumnBaseConfig<ColumnDataType, string>, object, object>>

        The record type for cursor columns


      • fraci: F

        The fractional indexing utility instance

      • table: T

        The Drizzle table object

      • column: FraciColumn

        The column that will store the fractional index

      • group: Group

        The columns that define the grouping context

      • cursor: Cursor

        The columns that uniquely identify a row within a group

      Returns DrizzleFraciConfig<F, T, FraciColumn, Group, Cursor>

      A configuration object for fractional indexing